fulbridge official partner of Visa for Music

Celebrating the 10th edition of this important festival

fulbridge is proud to have been the official translation partner of Visa for Music, which includes a number of professional development opportunities for musicians and industry actors, such as workshops, conferences, and networking events.

Visa for Music is a performing arts festival and professional marketplace for contemporary music from Africa and the Middle East. Its activities are addressing both professionals in the cultural and creative industries as well as the general public. For four days in November of each year, Visa for Music has been taking place since 2014 in Rabat, the capital of Morocco. (wikipedia)

Conference and debates on Music in Africa

Online and in presence IMC General Assembly, November 22

international music concil 40th general assembly Rabat 2023

The 40th General Assembly of the International Music Council (IMC) took place as part of the Visa for Music festival. The hybrid event brought together roughly 120 members from all continents, representing a wide variety of musical organizations and cultures.

The General Assembly also saw the election of a new IMC Executive Board, which will lead the organization for the next four years. The new president is Emily Achieng’ Akuno, a music researcher and advocate from Kenya.

The assembly adopted a new strategic plan for the IMC for the period 2024-2027, as well as a set of priorities for the organization’s work in the coming years around its core values enshrined in the Five Music Rights.

Underrepresented cultures between particularism and integration in the music industry

Held at the Musée Mohammed VI, this in-presence conference covered the following key themes.

  • Importance of preserving and promoting cultural diversity in the music industry
  • Challenges of breaking into the mainstream for artists from underrepresented cultures
  • Technology helping artists reach new audiences
  • The need for more inclusive and equitable representation in the music industry

The conference featured presentations from artists from underrepresented cultures, music industry professionals, academics, and policymakers

fulbridge was the official translator and partner for this year’s Visa For Music festival in Rabat, where we provided quality events translation for music related conferences, including the International Music Council’s General Assembly

translations translators morocco marrakesh marrakech arabic english spanish french portuguese
Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian

fulbridge translations, interpretations & training

Originally posted 2023-11-26 12:32:37.