Interpretations in Zoom, instructions for host & French participants

Here are the steps on how to use Language Interpretation in your Zoom meeting or webinar, as outlined in the video:

Activate interpretations as a host

1. Enable Language Interpretation:

Log in to your Zoom web portal at
Navigate to Settings from the left menu.
Go to the In-Meeting Advanced section and locate Language Interpretation.
Click the toggle to enable or disable the feature.
You can also choose to enable language interpretation by default for any meeting or webinar you schedule.
There are nine default languages available, but you can add custom languages by clicking the plus sign. You can add as many as you like, but once you’re in your meeting or webinar, you can only choose up to five of the custom languages. If you need more than five custom languages in your meeting, please contact support.

2. Add Interpreters to Your Meeting:

Schedule a meeting and be sure to select “Generate Automatically” for the meeting ID.
Towards the bottom, you’ll find “Interpretation.” Enter your interpreter’s email address and then choose the appropriate languages for that interpreter.
Save your meeting. You can click “Edit” under the Interpreter section to add interpreters, resend the email invitation, copy the invitation, or remove the interpreter. Remember to click “Save.”
If you are scheduling a webinar, the process is the same as it is for meetings. Schedule a webinar and follow the same steps.

3. Start the Interpretation Session:

Once you launch your meeting or webinar, click on “Interpretation” to initiate the interpretation sessions.
You’ll be able to add additional interpreters from here.
When ready, click “Start” to start the interpretation session.

4. Participants and Interpreters Select Language Channels:

Your interpreters and participants can now click “Interpretation” in the meeting controls and select a language channel.
Interpreters can only select the language channel to which they are assigned. They will hear the original meeting audio, which they can translate.

5. Participants select a language
Participants will select their language channel and will hear the translated audio as well as the original audio at a lower volume so they can hear tone and intonation for greater understanding. However, participants can choose to mute the original audio to hear only the interpreter.

45 seconds instructions for french participants

6. End the Interpretation Session:

The host can click on “Interpretation” to end the interpretation session or to click on “Manage Language Interpretation” to make changes to the interpreter settings.
Important Notes:

Language interpretation cannot be used in meetings using your PMI (Personal Meeting ID) or in instant meetings. It can only be used in scheduled meetings where you have selected “Generate Automatically” for the meeting ID.
For webinars, those added as an interpreter must also be a panelist.
It is recommended to avoid sharing your computer audio while you’re using language interpretation as the computer audio will broadcast at full volume, causing some audio imbalance.
For both interpreters and participants, you must be joined by computer audio to participate in the interpretation session. It is not available to telephone dialing users.

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